Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lovely fencers, I miss you. I am most sorry I missed both the I Love the Eighties party as well as the fencer dinner, but it had to be done! I was in Rarotonga, the largest island in the Cook Islands at the time. To be honest, I don't really remember the 80s (but don't get any ideas, Savannah!).

A couple of things. Before we left for Rarotonga, my program had a get-together to learn about the Cook Islands. The Cook Islands are big into coconuts. One of the girls on my program is conveniently named Kate, and she has verbal flubs all the time. For instance, this is the girl who was trying to ask which side to put the hibiscus on. She was trying to ask which side to put it on if you are unattached (the right), but she couldn't seem to spit out "unattached," and instead said "unoccupied." We later learned that it is not a matter of being attached or unattached (or occupied or unoccupied, if that's the way you roll, although I think most people would be able to tell from other visual cues before they noticed the flower in your hair), but married or unmarried. Therefore, we should all be wearing our flowers behind our right ears.

I'm getting off track! The point is, we all had to give mini presentations, and Kate's was on coconuts. Older coconut trees produce harder coconuts. This led to "the meat is soft enough to eat, unless the coconut is old. Then it's hard and you can... do other stuff with it." She was about to list these other things when what she said registered in her head and everyone else's, and everyone started laughing. It turned out that one of these things you can do with an old, hard coconut is extract the cream, which did not help, to make massage oil. It took like ten minutes to get through this five minute presentation because either we were laughing or Kate was laughing or we were all laughing. Our program director said that she didn't realise that coconuts were so entertaining...

Secondly, you know how in New Zealand, the URLs end with Well, they do. Aussie ends in, etc, it's just a matter of what the country's abbreviation is. The abbreviation for the Cook Islands is ck. So, every time I saw a website, I did a little doubletake. I thought Kate would appreciate that.

GUESS WHO GETS HERE TOMORROW!?!!1!??!??!??1??!!1??????1???!????!1!!??!?

I just realised there was a hair in my tea. But it's my own hair, so I guess it's okay. I'm still not going to finish the tea, though :p

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